Why Build Green?

The US housing sector is a behemoth when it comes to resource consumption and energy use. Poor insulation, leaky building envelopes, and inefficient appliances and HVAC systems are all to blame. And, off-gassing from synthetic and petroleum-based products used in conventional construction leads to poor indoor air quality that can affect building occupants.

At Terra Futura, we build homes for people, not profit… and we certify our Green Built Homes to prove it. We achieved Gold-level certification with our first two homes built, ensuring our homeowners enjoy better indoor comfort, air quality and lower energy bills.

The local non-profit Green Built Alliance manages the Green Built Homes certification program and issues certificates. We partner with local design and engineering firm Vandemusser Design to provide third-party inspections and certification compliance services.

Benefits of a Green Built Home

  • Indoor Air Quality

    Natural and chemical-free finishes add comfort and beauty, while also protecting occupant health. We work with two types of cork flooring, fast-growing eucalyptus wood cabinets, local poplar wood trim, no-VOC paints and varnishes, and 100% wool carpet (50/50 virgin and recycled) and wool carpet underlayment.

  • Energy Efficiency

    Extra insulation and a well-sealed building envelope mean less air leakage and less energy used for heating and cooling. We install high-efficiency heat pump HVAC and hot water systems, and use mini-split technology for zoned thermal control. All major appliances are Energy Star certified to ensure energy and cost savings.

  • Solar Energy Potential

    From their perch at the highest part of the property, the first homes at Terra Futura boast spacious views and full all-day sun. Their thoughtful design takes advantage of natural light in the main living areas and their south-facing roofs are sized to support enough solar panels to offset their energy use, making these homes Net-Zero Energy Ready.