Words from your first intern

Hello! My name is Hannah and I am Terra Futura Farms first intern! Sadly I am writing this on my last day on the job. Just a brief introduction of myself before I take you through my experiences working for the amazing Kelsey, Jack, and Mason. I am going into my last semester at Appalachian State and graduating in December. My major is sustainable development with a concentration in agroecology and sustainable agriculture. I have always been passionate about the environment and finding ways to explore my own sustainability journey. This summer I was fortunate enough to have a connection with Kelsey and Jack and received a call saying they were looking for a summer intern. I obviously accepted and have had an amazing summer getting to learn from the team and their amazing family. 

Going into the project as the team's first intern and as the project was just starting to feel real, made my job unpredictable in the best ways. There was always something new and interesting to learn in a hands-on learning environment. I got to help in so many different projects so bare with me as I describe some of the ones I am most proud of!

One of the biggest and most important projects that I was not experienced in is making a budget sheet with Mason. I had conversations with many different businesses informing them of our project and our sustainability goals. Having those conversations and making those connections will make the groundbreaking start of the project go much smoother. Finishing the budget sheet and watching the project materialize was really fulfilling. 

Every week I was able to get outside and work in the garden and greenhouse. This was my favorite even with the heat of the summer. It didn't matter if I was weeding, watering, or planting, I enjoyed every second. I was able to work with Kelsey throughout the internship and she taught me so much. Something that I find very important in sustainable development is the personal connections you make by spending time working in nature. Getting to learn about permaculture, gardening, and just life in general from Kelsey is something that I do not take for granted. Something really special about this project was that it was family oriented. Teaching other generations about sustainability in any form is really important so having Kelsey and Jack’s kids running around helping me weed the garden was fun. 

As an intern who was looking to gain experience in any project, Mason definitely gave me the most diverse things to do. From digging a wire trench to pulling weeds as tall as me to building a compost bin to fixing up the barn and so so so much more interesting things. I essentially helped in any way I could which meant random small projects that needed to be done for the bigger picture. Mason challenged me with power tools and with information about framing a house but he always knew I could do it and encouraged me the whole way. 

I might change my mind and say that hanging out with the chickens was my favorite part. Feeding the chickens and being around them is just fun. I enjoyed having to rally up the ones that got even if they scratched up the garden. I got to take pictures and videos of the photogenic chickens that are used to document the whole project. Working with Jack to put together a business card, website, and Instagram was super fun and a great way to see the progress being made and share it with everyone else. Jack helped figure out the vision we wanted to get out to the community that explored the inclusive, environmental, sustainable, futuristic goal that is Terra Futura Farm.

Working with Kelsey, Jack, and Mason has been an incredible experience that has provided me with connections and stories that will last my whole life. This project is what developing sustainably means and I am lucky to have been a part of it. I am really excited to come back and see all of the progress and know that I helped make it happen. 

Thank you!



What’s in a name?


Really Shoulda Started This Blog Sooner